Almaty Aeropuerto Libre de impuestos

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Acerca de Almaty Aeropuerto (ALA)

ул. Беимбета Майлина 2, Almaty 050039, Kazakhstan
+7 727 270 3333
Página web:
Llegadas: (ALA) Llegadas
Salidas: (ALA) Salidas
43.35210037, 77.04049683
Mapa: Haga clic para ver el mapa del aeropuerto
Almaty Airport duty free
2,4 rating based on 12.345 ratings
Overall rating: 2.4 out of 5 based on 10 reviews.
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Almaty Aeropuerto (IATA: ALA, ICAO: UAAA), es un aeropuerto que sirve a la Alma-ata zona en Kazakhstan. Desplácese hacia abajo o haga clic aquí para ver qué Almaty Aeropuerto tiendas, bares, restaurantes, cafés e instalaciones que tenemos en nuestro Duty Free Information 2024 Base de datos.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Almaty Aeropuerto

Se necesita aproximadamente 36 mins para impulsar el 18.8 mi (30.3 kilómetros) entre el centro de Alma-ata y Almaty Aeropuerto, haciendo que sea lo suficientemente accesible como para facilitar y acomodar cualquier plan de viaje. Asegúrese de llegar a tiempo para aprovechar la oportunidad de explorar las oportunidades de compras libres de impuestos ubicadas en el interior ALA aeropuerto, donde podrá adquirir perfumes y colonias exclusivas, cigarrillos, alcohol, alimentos, golosinas y recuerdos de Kazakhstan.

Hay opciones de aparcamiento exterior. No olvide que también puede optar por dejar el coche en casa, gracias a las numerosas alternativas de transporte público que pueden llevarle hasta y desde Almaty Aeropuerto.

We do not have this information in our database.


ул. Беимбета Майлина 2, Almaty 050039, Kazakhstan



+7 727 270 3333

Qué tiendas y restaurantes libres de impuestos hay en Aeropuerto (ALA/UAAA)?

Actualmente no disponemos de información sobre este aeropuerto. Póngase en contacto con nosotros a continuación y haremos que nuestro equipo de investigadores actualice nuestra base de datos.


Aeropuerto Comentarios

Sometimes you can't pay by credit card in boarding area. Luckily it happens not so often.
- Viktor Molokostov

Long immigration process, terrible lounge.
- James

Awful airport due to its size and lack of facilites. Thanks God free WI-FI is available. Shame to have such an airport for such a city.
- Max Kniaziev

Waiting for the new terminal
- Vladislav

Almaty International Airport is the biggest airport in Kazakhstan. The service is pretty good. It has two runways. It is available to have a Boeing 747 landings right here. Runways have no defects, always clean.
- Zhan

Terrible place, seems a bus station more than an airport. Super expensive disgusting cafeteria's. They make you wait in some kind of waiting hall if your flight isn't checking in yet. You can't barely sit and there is no place to charge your phone/laptop/tablet, unless you sit in one of the cafeteria's. Getting there is simply by taxi, not sure if there is public transportation to the airport, but taxi isn't expensive.
- Fischer

Hard to get to the airport at early morning, only taxi, no public transport. Check in was OK. Security also OK. Facilities not so godd. There is no fast food in airport terminal. Wi-Fi wasn't working properly. Airport needs fast food service for passengers and transit passengers. Lounge is not very good.
- Yerbol

Getting to the airport: only by bus, only if you are a local + russian fluency - a precondition Check-in: Incredibly slow and as if it were the first time in their life they ever did somehting like that Security Check: A first check to enter the airport, a second to enter the check-in area, a third after check-in, another check after security check, to check the documents once again, last check when entering the gangway, very last check, when leaving the gangway. Lengthy, at times chaotic and with seemingly arbitrary rules (Export of more than 1 litre of cognac for example is sometimes illegal etc.) WiFi: Connection failed and was impossible to get Food services: very limited Lounge: best thing: a microwave + plastic-box-noodles. If you fly Lufthansa / KLM: a single free bottle of beer is included. No newspapers.
- Johannes

Getting there: only by taxi (or bus, if you speak russian - slow!) Check-in: super duper ultra slow and only starts 2 hours before take-off. Including baggage drop, which is just as slow! No special line for Business Class (well there is one - but it's used by just about everybody else as well. Doesn't count. Security check: plenty. at pretty much every corner someone stands to check you whatever. Takes time, consumes nerves and seems to be good for nothing. Rules are arbitrary, sometimes, honey is taken away, sometmes, cognac, sometimes ... whoever cares. Anything can be redeemed by paying the personal and immediate security fee ... for exporting more than 500g of honey. Whatever... WiFi: unstable, connection fails services: the minimum is covered. Duty-Free shop is decent, albeit not cheap Lounge: a joke, seriously. Though as Lufthansa / KLM-passenger you will get a single bottle of beer. And instant-noodles + microwave. One pack per passenger.
- Johannes

The only way to get to the airport at night is by taxi or own car. There is tasty and inexpensive food in the canteen and cafe in the airport building. When entering the country you must fill in a migration card, be ready and don't forget a pen!
- Anastasia
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