Dufry opens Cartier and Montblanc boutiques at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport

CHINA. Dufry has opened Cartier and Montblanc luxury boutiques at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport’s Terminal 2 departures hall.

The Swiss travel retail giant said the openings were in line with its brand plan strategy, which seeks to identify and maximise growth opportunities for individual brand partners.

The Cartier boutique located in Terminal 2 and featuring a notably wide entrance, is the first to be opened with the brand’s new airport concept, which is designed to strike a “subtle balance between tradition and modernity”.

The contemporary interior features a warm colour palette, showcasing the Maison’s creations, including jewellery, watches, accessories, and fragrances.

The Montblanc Boulevard boutique, also in T2, is presented in the brand’s NEO concept (a retail design model created by renowned French interior designer Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance that is intended to enhance the luxury shopping experience).

Customers can discover the full Montblanc range, including watches, writing instruments, large and small leathergoods and accessories. Dedicated areas have been allocated to each product category.

These boutiques complement Dufry’s already strong luxury presence within Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport where it manages several brands including Hermès, Ferragamo, Bally, Zegna, Shang Xia and Versace.

Dufry Divisional CEO for Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australia Andrea Belardini said,

“We are delighted to have been able to work in close collaboration with two of the iconic brands from the Richemont Group, to create bespoke retail spaces that showcase their exceptional products in such a striking and engaging way.

“The boutiques have been designed to deliver the ultimate customer experience in terms of comfort, ambiance, product range and services. We really value the expertise and passion that has been invested in these store developments by our trusted partners at both Cartier and Montblanc and would like to take this opportunity to thank them for support and trust.”



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