Crocodile plays collective: Lacoste unveils new brand campaign

Athleisure brand Lacoste has unveiled a new brand campaign which celebrates the iconography of its polo shirt. The brand’s polo shirt was originally created by tennis player René Lacoste in the 1920s and reinterpreted by Lacoste Creative Director Louise Trotter in the modern day.

The striking campaign film features a collective of seven creatives all wearing the Lacoste polo shirt in their own individual styles. The Lacoste ‘Crocodile Collective’ comprises American rapper A$AP Nast, South Korean DJ Peggy Gou, American skater/model Evan Mock, French actress Louise Bourgoin, English model Sonny Hall, French actress Mélanie Thierry and French dancer Salif Gueye.

The film is set in five cities: Paris, New York, Berlin, Los Angeles and London, and was shot by seven different photographers to offer multiple takes on the classic Lacoste polo.

In Los Angeles, A$AP Nast is shot by Melodie McDaniel, alongside his friends DJAVAN and Cory, while Sonny Hall and his entourage are captured by Elliot James Kennedy in London.

In Berlin, Peggy Gou is photographed by Vitali Gelwich, while Evan Mock is captured by Stef Mitchell in New York alongside his brother, sister and skateboarder friends.

Finally in Paris, Lacoste’s historical home, Mélanie Thierry and Louise Bourgoin are shot by Quentin de Briey and Joshua Woods respectively, while Salif Gueye is photographed dancing on the streets by Ilyes Griyeb.



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