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Dobro došli u Duty Free Information, vaše središte informacija o svim bescarinskim i luksuznim trgovinama dostupnim u vodećim svjetskim zračnim lukama. Ovdje ćete pronaći sve informacije koje su vam potrebne za Juneau Zračna luka Duty Free shopping.
Oko Juneau Zračna luka (JNU)
Adresa: | 1873 Shell Simmons Dr, Juneau, AK 99801, USA |
Grad: | Juneau |
Zemlja: | United States |
Telefon: | +1 907-789-7821 |
Web stranica: | |
Dolasci: | Juneau (JNU) Dolasci |
Odlasci: | Juneau (JNU) Odlasci |
Geografska širina/dužina | 58.35499954, -134.576004 |
Karta: | Kliknite za prikaz karte zračne luke |
Recenzije: | No reviews. Click here to be the first to review Juneau Zračna luka. |
Juneau Zračna luka (IATA: JNU, ICAO: PAJN), je zračna luka koja poslužuje Juneau područje u United States. Pomaknite se prema dolje ili kliknite ovdje vidjeti što Juneau Zračna luka trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji koje imamo u našem Duty Free Information 2025 Baza podataka. Trenutno u našoj bazi podataka imamo informacije o 1 trgovine, 1 kavane, i 1 restorana na Juneau Zračna luka. Ako smatrate da su ovi podaci zastarjeli ili na bilo koji način netočni, molimo vas Kontaktirajte nas i natjerat ćemo naš tim istraživača da ispravi naše podatke.
Juneau International Airport, commonly referred to as Juneau Airport, is an airport located in the U.S. state of Alaska’s capital city of Juneau. The airport sits on an 1800-acre tract of land at the northern end of Gastineau Channel, about six miles northwest of downtown Juneau. It is considered to be the largest airport in Southeast Alaska and serves as a commercial air point for charter services, air cargo operators, and general aviation aircraft.
Juneau International Airport was built in 1938 by the United States Department of Interior’s Alaska Road Commission and was first used as a military facility during World War II. After the war, it was decommissioned but became a public airport in 1948 with regularly scheduled service from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). This connection helped promote economic development throughout the region. In 1976, Alaska Airlines began operations out of Juneau Airport and remains one of its primary carriers today.
The airport currently features two asphalt runways that measure 10,001 feet and 5,000 feet long respectively. It also has two seaplane landing areas located northeast and southeast of the main terminal building. In addition to traditional passenger services such as check-in counters and baggage claim facilities, Juneau International Airport offers several additional services such as rental car companies, shops selling local goods like Alaskan jewelry or art pieces crafted by indigenous artists from nearby villages, restaurants serving traditional Alaskan cuisine with seafood being especially popular among visitors, and a variety of other amenities designed for traveler convenience.
The airport also houses an FAA-managed control tower which oversees all flight operations across Southeast Alaska airspace along with ground radar coverage for local aircraft within 30 miles from its location at 2121 Lockheed Drive in Juneau . In recent years there has been an increased focus on safety related improvements such as runway upgrades to reduce bird strike hazards as well as enhanced security measures including more advanced surveillance systems that increase both passenger comfort and air traffic efficiency within this busy regional hub.
Finally, there are several nonprofit organizations that provide support to travelers passing through Juneau International Airport such as volunteer groups offering free shuttles between flights or discount rates on travel related expenses like meals or temporary lodging accommodations while passengers wait for connecting flights or extended layovers due to sudden weather changes or other unexpected events impacting their journeys. This kind of support helps make traveling through Juneau more pleasant and efficient while also providing cost savings opportunities to those who find themselves dealing with unanticipated delays or other disruptions along their travels within this beautiful part of our country .
Često postavljana pitanja o Juneau Zračna luka
Potrebno je otprilike 12 mins voziti 8.0 mi (12.9 kilometara) između središta Juneau i Juneau Zračna luka, čineći ga dovoljno pristupačnim da olakša i prilagodi sve planove putovanja. Pobrinite se da stignete na vrijeme kako biste iskoristili priliku da istražite mogućnosti duty-free kupovine koje se nalaze unutar JNU zračna luka, gdje možete kupiti ekskluzivne parfeme i kolonjske vode, cigarete, alkohol, prehrambene artikle, slastice i suvenire od United States.
Dostupne su opcije vanjskog parkiranja. Ne zaboravite da također možete odlučiti ostaviti svoj automobil kod kuće, zahvaljujući mnogim alternativama javnog prijevoza koji vas mogu odvesti do i od Juneau Zračna luka.
Kada stignete u zračnu luku, imate mogućnost napuniti se gorivom za svoje putovanje koje slijedi tako što ćete nešto pojesti u bilo kojem od 2 dostupni restorani i kafići, ili zašto ne biste krenuli ravno prema mogućnostima bescarinske kupovine na the 1 različite trgovine oko Juneau Zračna luka? Nabavite poklon u posljednji trenutak za voljenu osobu ili se razmazite zasluženim suvenirom s putovanja.
- Hummingbird Gift Shop
- Cup O'Joe Coffee Bar
- Glacier Restaurant
Juneau Zračna luka (JNU/PAJN) trgovine, restorani i objekti
Trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji u Juneau Zračna luka:
- 5:15am-1:15pm
- Second Floor
- 6:00am-8pm
- Second Floor
- (907) 789-4672
- Lobby
- After Sigurnost