Table of Contents
Dobro došli u Duty Free Information, vaše središte informacija o svim bescarinskim i luksuznim trgovinama dostupnim u vodećim svjetskim zračnim lukama. Ovdje ćete pronaći sve informacije koje su vam potrebne za Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka Duty Free shopping.
Oko Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka (ATH)
Kodeks IATA/ICAO: | ATH/ |
Grad: | Athens |
Zemlja: | Greece |
Web stranica: | |
Dolasci: | Eleftherios Venizelos (ATH) Dolasci |
Odlasci: | Eleftherios Venizelos (ATH) Odlasci |
Geografska širina/dužina | 37.93640137, 23.94449997 |
Karta: | Kliknite za prikaz karte zračne luke |
Recenzije: |
out of 5 based on
0 reviews.
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Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka (IATA: ATH, ICAO: ), je zračna luka koja poslužuje Athens područje u Greece. Pomaknite se prema dolje ili kliknite ovdje vidjeti što Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji koje imamo u našem Duty Free Information 2025 Baza podataka. Trenutno u našoj bazi podataka imamo informacije o 99 trgovine, 4 kavane, i 1 restorana na Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka. Ako smatrate da su ovi podaci zastarjeli ili na bilo koji način netočni, molimo vas Kontaktirajte nas i natjerat ćemo naš tim istraživača da ispravi naše podatke.
Eleftherios Venizelos Airport is the main international airport in Athens, Greece. Located approximately 16 miles northeast of the city center, this facility covers an area of over 1,750 acres and has two asphalt runways for travelers to enjoy.
The terminal at Eleftherios Venizelos Airport offers everything needed for a safe and comfortable journey. Passengers can check-in via counters while there are plenty of restaurants and shops offering refreshments, snacks and goods throughout the facility. Car rental desks are also available nearby for those looking to explore more of the local area during their stay.
Safety is paramount at Eleftherios Venizelos Airport – with advanced security systems in place and helpful customer service personnel ready to provide any assistance if required. All passengers must follow the strict regulations outlined by staff when travelling through this facility for their own safety.
Overall, travelers flying into Eleftherios Venizelos Airport can expect a smooth transition into one of the most beautiful regions in Greece. With its modern amenities and secure environment – it’s no wonder why this destination remains one of the best airports in Europe!
Često postavljana pitanja o Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka
Potrebno je otprilike 35 mins voziti 25.4 mi (40.9 kilometara) između središta Athens i Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka, čineći ga dovoljno pristupačnim da olakša i prilagodi sve planove putovanja. Pobrinite se da stignete na vrijeme kako biste iskoristili priliku da istražite mogućnosti duty-free kupovine koje se nalaze unutar ATH zračna luka, gdje možete kupiti ekskluzivne parfeme i kolonjske vode, cigarete, alkohol, prehrambene artikle, slastice i suvenire od Greece.
Dostupne su opcije vanjskog parkiranja. Ne zaboravite da također možete odlučiti ostaviti svoj automobil kod kuće, zahvaljujući mnogim alternativama javnog prijevoza koji vas mogu odvesti do i od Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka.
Kada stignete u zračnu luku, imate mogućnost napuniti se gorivom za svoje putovanje koje slijedi tako što ćete nešto pojesti u bilo kojem od 5 dostupni restorani i kafići, ili zašto ne biste krenuli ravno prema mogućnostima bescarinske kupovine na the 99 različite trgovine oko Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka? Nabavite poklon u posljednji trenutak za voljenu osobu ili se razmazite zasluženim suvenirom s putovanja.
- Apivita
- Arrival Shop
- Art Discovery In Museums
- Artpoint Papasotiriou
- Boggi Milano
- Bulgari
- Buondi Caffe
- Cigar Shop
- Confectionary
- Ermenegildo Zegna
- Flocafe
- Folli Follie
- Food Court
- Germanos
- Giorgio Armani
- Guess
- Heineken Bar
- Hellenic Duty Free Shops Electronics
- Hellenic Duty Free Shops/Books, Toys, Souvenirs
- Hellenic Duty Free Shops/Luxury
- Hellenic Gourmet
- Hershey's
- Illy Cafe
- Inglot
- Jacobs Cafe
- Juicy Couture
- Kayak
- Kimbo Cafe
- Korres Natural Products
- La Pasteria - Flocafe
- Last-Minute Shopping
- Links of London
- Massimo Dutti
- Master of Time
- Mastiha Shop
- Mini Market
- Papasotiriou Books And More
- Perfumes & Cosmetics
- Pharmacy
- Presspoint Papasotiriou
- Puro Gusto
- Spirits
- Sugarfree
- Swarovski
- Swatch
- Terkenlis
- Terkenlis & Leonidas
- TimeBox
- To Go
- Tobacco
- Travel For Everest
- Victorias Secret
- Gregorys/ Coffeeright
- McDonald's
- Business Lounge
Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka (ATH) trgovine, restorani i objekti
Trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji u Eleftherios Venizelos Zračna luka:
- 210 3532534
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Leve
- (+30) 210 3533068
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- 210 3533068
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3533068
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3533317
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 35 33 070
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3532400
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533596
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532978
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3534226
- After Security | Gate/Area: B23
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3530792
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532162, 210 3533555
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532162, 210 3533555
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- +30 210 35 32422
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3532302
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3532302
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532366, 210 3533962
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532366, 210 3533962
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3531351, 3533489
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3534956
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3532421
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3532421
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532360
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3531459
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3531459
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level, Entrances
- 210 3531459
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532247
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3534226
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3531023
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532110
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532110
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532889
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3532979 , 3532455
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3532979, 3532455
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533555
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532385
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3531566, 210 3534226
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3531566, 210 3534226
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533302
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3534226
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3534226
- After Security | Gate/Area: B29
- (+30) 210 3532247, 210 3532575
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532247, 210 3532575
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3531031
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3541153, 210 3532523, 210
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3541153, 210 3532523, 210
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3534226, 210 3531151
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3534226, 210 3531151
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533002, 210 3532297
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3533002, 210 3532297
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3534280
- Before Security | Gate/Area: 2nd floor
- (+30) 210 3533046, 210 3532110
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3533046, 210 3532110
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3532877, 210 3535907, 210 35325
- After Security | Gate/Area: B31
- 210 3532877, 210 3535907, 210 35325
- Gate/Area: Satellite Terminal Building
- +30 210 3533560
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- +30 210 3533560
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3533305
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532388
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3532969
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3531344
- Before Security | Gate/Area: 2nd Floor
- Posjetite web stranicu
- (+30) 210 3532929
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 35 33402
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3532395
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533915, 210 3532726
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3533915, 210 3532726
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533915, 210 3532726
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533915, 210 3532726
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3533915, 210 3532726
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533915, 210 3532726
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533915, 210 3532726
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533915, 210 3532726
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3533333
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3534309
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3532721
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3531080, 210 3535916
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3531080, 210 3535916
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3531080, 210 3535916
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3531080, 210 3535916
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3531080, 210 3535916
- Gate/Area: Satellite Terminal Building
- (+30) 210 3531080, 210 3535916
- After Security | Gate/Area: B23
- (+30) 210 3531080, 210 3535916
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3531080, 210 3535916
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3534226
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3534226
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3532719
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3535484
- Gate/Area: Satellite Terminal Building
- (+30) 210 3532162, 210 3533555
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532162, 210 3533555
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- 210 3530330
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532726
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3532606, 210 3530302
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532606, 210 3530302
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532877
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- 210 3533072
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Arrivals Level
- (+30) 210 3531023
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 3530434, 210 3534320
- After Security | Gate/Area: B19
- (+30) 210 3530434, 210 3534320
- After Security | Gate/Area: A20
- (+30) 210 3532162, 210 3533555
- After Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532162, 210 3533555
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3532757
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 3531119
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departures Level
- (+30) 210 35 32404, 210 35 32435
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level
- (+30) 210 35 32404, 210 35 32435
- Before Security | Gate/Area: Departrures Level