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Dobro došli u Duty Free Information, vaše središte informacija o svim bescarinskim i luksuznim trgovinama dostupnim u vodećim svjetskim zračnim lukama. Ovdje ćete pronaći sve informacije koje su vam potrebne za Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka Duty Free shopping.
Oko Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka (LIR)
Adresa: | Aeropuerto Liberia, Provincia de Guanacaste, Liberia, Costa Rica |
Grad: | Liberia |
Zemlja: | Costa Rica |
Telefon: | +506 2666 9600 |
Web stranica: | |
Dolasci: | Daniel Oduber Quiros (LIR) Dolasci |
Odlasci: | Daniel Oduber Quiros (LIR) Odlasci |
Geografska širina/dužina | 10.59329987, -85.54440308 |
Karta: | Kliknite za prikaz karte zračne luke |
Recenzije: |
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Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka (IATA: LIR, ICAO: MRLB), je zračna luka koja poslužuje Liberia područje u Costa Rica. Pomaknite se prema dolje ili kliknite ovdje vidjeti što Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji koje imamo u našem Duty Free Information 2025 Baza podataka. Trenutno u našoj bazi podataka imamo informacije o 2 trgovine, 0 kavane, i 0 restorana na Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka. Ako smatrate da su ovi podaci zastarjeli ili na bilo koji način netočni, molimo vas Kontaktirajte nas i natjerat ćemo naš tim istraživača da ispravi naše podatke.
Daniel Oduber Quiros International Airport is an international gateway to the stunning country of Costa Rica. Located in the city of Liberia and just a short drive away from some of the country’s most popular tourist destinations, this airport has become an increasingly important hub for both business and leisure travelers.
As visitors arrive at Daniel Oduber Quiros International Airport they will find all the amenities expected from a quality airport facility; with shops ranging from souvenirs to duty-free items, ATMs, Wi-Fi and currency exchange services – there’s no shortage of comfort and convenience throughout.
The airport also features helpful staff members available at designated security points throughout the building making navigating through each stage of travel easy for passengers. There are also plenty of comfortable lounges equipped with TVs and complimentary refreshments – perfect for relaxing prior to departure.
For departing passengers, checking in runs as smooth as ever with efficient staff running computerized check-in systems which makes getting through documentation fast but secure. There are then plentiful security checkpoints which ensure all luggage passes through inspection before boarding begins.
Altogether Daniel Oduber Quiros International Airport lives up to its reputation as one of Costa Rica’s premier airports; offering speed, efficiency and convenience – making it an ideal choice for air travelers in search of a hassle-free experience!
Često postavljana pitanja o Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka
Kada stignete u zračnu luku, imate mogućnost napuniti se gorivom za svoje putovanje koje slijedi tako što ćete nešto pojesti u bilo kojem od dostupni restorani i kafići, ili zašto ne biste krenuli ravno prema mogućnostima bescarinske kupovine na the 2 različite trgovine oko Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka? Nabavite poklon u posljednji trenutak za voljenu osobu ili se razmazite zasluženim suvenirom s putovanja.
- Costa Rica Duty Free
Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka (LIR/MRLB) trgovine, restorani i objekti
Trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji u Daniel Oduber Quiros Zračna luka:
- (506) 2668-0081
- Mon-Sun 5am to 4 pm
- Passenger departures Store, at gate 5
- (506) 2668-0080
- Mon-Sun 9am to 10 pm
- Passenger arrivals area