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Dobro došli u Duty Free Information, vaše središte informacija o svim bescarinskim i luksuznim trgovinama dostupnim u vodećim svjetskim zračnim lukama. Ovdje ćete pronaći sve informacije koje su vam potrebne za Cairo Zračna luka Duty Free shopping.
Oko Cairo Zračna luka (CAI)
Kodeks IATA/ICAO: | CAI/ |
Adresa: | Airport Rd, Sheraton Al Matar, مصر الجديدة، Cairo Governorate 11432, Egypt |
Grad: | Cairo |
Zemlja: | Egypt |
Telefon: | +20 2 22655000 |
Web stranica: | |
Terminali: | 3 |
Dolasci: | Cairo (CAI) Dolasci |
Odlasci: | Cairo (CAI) Odlasci |
Geografska širina/dužina | 30.12190056, 31.40559959 |
Karta: | Kliknite za prikaz karte zračne luke |
Recenzije: | No reviews. Click here to be the first to review Cairo Zračna luka. |
Cairo Zračna luka (IATA: CAI, ICAO: ), je zračna luka koja poslužuje Cairo područje u Egypt. Pomaknite se prema dolje ili kliknite ovdje vidjeti što Cairo Zračna luka trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji koje imamo u našem Duty Free Information 2025 Baza podataka. Trenutno u našoj bazi podataka imamo informacije o 5 trgovine, 19 kavane, i 10 restorana na Cairo Zračna luka. Ako smatrate da su ovi podaci zastarjeli ili na bilo koji način netočni, molimo vas Kontaktirajte nas i natjerat ćemo naš tim istraživača da ispravi naše podatke.
Cairo International Airport is one of the busiest airports in Egypt, and a crucial hub for travelers from around the world. This impressive airport offers a wide range of services and amenities to make any traveler’s experience as smooth and effortless as possible. Passengers are greeted by friendly staff who are always willing to help with any questions or concerns they might have.
The airport itself has plenty to offer its guests aside from efficient customer service. As soon as the visitor passes through passport control they will find themselves in an enormous terminal with over 40 different shops, restaurants and cafes- each boasting its own unique offerings ranging from traditional Egyptian cuisine to international favorites like pizza and hamburgers. Travelers can browse duty free goods or get their visa processed quickly and without stress at one of the many counters available in the arrivals hall.
For those seeking relaxation, there is also ample seating areas throughout the airport with comfy armchairs and views of airplanes coming and going along the runway. There are several charging stations, internet kiosks and even prayer rooms for all religions, plus multiple currency exchange points for visitors who want to purchase Egyptian Pounds before heading off into town.
For those departing from Cairo Airport, the check-in experience is quick, simple yet secure; tickets must be printed out prior to arriving at security checkpoints which helps alleviate traffic jams during peak times. Security personnel take their job seriously but always remain courteous when visiting travelers; luggage scans are done quickly as well so long lines rarely form during this process. All flights depart on time without fail so passengers can safely plan out their itinerary without fear of delays or cancellations.
No matter what kind of travel needs they may have while in Cairo, travelers can rest assured that they will be taken care of during their stay at Cairo International Airport
Često postavljana pitanja o Cairo Zračna luka
Potrebno je otprilike 34 mins voziti 13.7 mi (22 kilometara) između središta Cairo i Cairo Zračna luka, čineći ga dovoljno pristupačnim da olakša i prilagodi sve planove putovanja. Pobrinite se da stignete na vrijeme kako biste iskoristili priliku da istražite mogućnosti duty-free kupovine koje se nalaze unutar CAI zračna luka, gdje možete kupiti ekskluzivne parfeme i kolonjske vode, cigarete, alkohol, prehrambene artikle, slastice i suvenire od Egypt.
Dostupne su opcije vanjskog parkiranja. Ne zaboravite da također možete odlučiti ostaviti svoj automobil kod kuće, zahvaljujući mnogim alternativama javnog prijevoza koji vas mogu odvesti do i od Cairo Zračna luka.
Kada stignete u zračnu luku, imate mogućnost napuniti se gorivom za svoje putovanje koje slijedi tako što ćete nešto pojesti u bilo kojem od 29 dostupni restorani i kafići, ili zašto ne biste krenuli ravno prema mogućnostima bescarinske kupovine na the 5 različite trgovine oko Cairo Zračna luka? Nabavite poklon u posljednji trenutak za voljenu osobu ili se razmazite zasluženim suvenirom s putovanja.
- Cairo Airport Duty Free
- Egypt Air Duty Free shops
- Pharmacy
- The Duty Free Shops
- AeroCafe
- Beanos Cafe
- Bill Bentley's
- Burger King
- Chez Edy
- Cilantro
- Cinnabon
- Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
- Coffee Shop Company
- Coffee Time
- Coffee Time Express
- Cup&cino
- Gino's Pizza and Pasta
- Hippo Bar and Grill
- McDonald's
- Puro Gusto
- Ritazza
- Roasti Cafe
- Segafredo Cafe
- Starbucks
- To Go
- Upper Crust
- Yumcha
- American Lounge
- English Lounge
- Italian Lounge
- VIP Lounge
Cairo Zračna luka (CAI) trgovine, restorani i objekti
Trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji u Cairo Zračna luka:
- Terminal 1 Departure
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Arrival Hall 2
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Arrival Hall 4
- After Sigurnost
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- Before Sigurnost
- Posjetite web stranicu
- Terminal 1
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Domestic Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Arrivals
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3
- After Sigurnost
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Posjetite web stranicu
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Arrival Hall 3
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Posjetite web stranicu
- Terminal 3 Central Terminal
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Departure
- After Sigurnost
Iz čega zrakoplovni prijevoznici obavljaju putničke usluge Cairo Zračna luka?
Sljedeće zrakoplovne tvrtke sve lete putničke usluge iz Cairo Zračna luka:
Cairo Zračna luka Recenzije
Karta od Cairo Zračna luka
Kliknite za pregled karteNajnoviji članci o Cairo Zračna luka
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Etihad Airways to expands Africa connections
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