Table of Contents
Dobro došli u Duty Free Information, vaše središte informacija o svim bescarinskim i luksuznim trgovinama dostupnim u vodećim svjetskim zračnim lukama. Ovdje ćete pronaći sve informacije koje su vam potrebne za Abu Dhabi Zračna luka Duty Free shopping.
Oko Abu Dhabi Zračna luka (AUH)
Adresa: | Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates |
Grad: | Abu Dhabi |
Zemlja: | United Arab Emirates |
Telefon: | +971 2 505 5555 |
Web stranica: | |
Cvrkut: | |
Facebook: | |
Dolasci: | Abu Dhabi (AUH) Dolasci |
Odlasci: | Abu Dhabi (AUH) Odlasci |
Geografska širina/dužina | 24.43300056, 54.65110016 |
Karta: | Kliknite za prikaz karte zračne luke |
Recenzije: |
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Abu Dhabi Zračna luka (IATA: AUH, ICAO: OMAA), je zračna luka koja poslužuje Abu Dhabi područje u United Arab Emirates. Pomaknite se prema dolje ili kliknite ovdje vidjeti što Abu Dhabi Zračna luka trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji koje imamo u našem Duty Free Information 2025 Baza podataka. Trenutno u našoj bazi podataka imamo informacije o 101 trgovine, 6 kavane, i 1 restorana na Abu Dhabi Zračna luka. Ako smatrate da su ovi podaci zastarjeli ili na bilo koji način netočni, molimo vas Kontaktirajte nas i natjerat ćemo naš tim istraživača da ispravi naše podatke.
Welcome to Abu Dhabi International Airport (AUH), a bustling gateway to the luxurious and culturally rich city of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and a hub for both domestic and international travelers. As you embark on your journey through this dynamic airport, be sure to explore the fantastic shopping opportunities available at the Abu Dhabi Airport duty free shops.
Located just a short distance from the captivating city of Abu Dhabi, the airport is renowned for its modern amenities, efficient services, and extensive range of domestic and international connections. With its prime location, Abu Dhabi Airport serves as an ideal starting point for exploring the iconic sights and attractions that the city and surrounding areas have to offer.
One of the highlights of any visit to Abu Dhabi Airport is the exceptional duty free shopping experience on offer. The Abu Dhabi Airport duty free shops boast a wide selection of products, including luxury goods, electronics, cosmetics, and local souvenirs. Whether you’re searching for the perfect gift or simply looking to treat yourself, the duty free shops at Abu Dhabi Airport are sure to impress with their unbeatable prices and diverse selection.
In addition to the outstanding shopping opportunities, Abu Dhabi Airport also provides a range of services and amenities designed to cater to the needs of all travelers. These include comfortable waiting areas, a variety of dining options, and convenient ground transportation services such as taxis, buses, and car rentals. With its state-of-the-art facilities and friendly staff, Abu Dhabi Airport ensures a seamless and enjoyable travel experience.
As you plan your visit to the mesmerizing city of Abu Dhabi, don’t forget to set aside some time to explore the Abu Dhabi Airport duty free shops. With their impressive range of products and exceptional prices, these shops are a must-visit for any savvy traveler. So whether you’re arriving or departing from Abu Dhabi Airport, make sure to take advantage of the fantastic duty free shopping opportunities available.
In summary, Abu Dhabi Airport is a bustling hub offering modern amenities, efficient services, and a wide range of domestic and international connections. The Abu Dhabi Airport duty free shops provide travelers with a unique opportunity to shop for high-quality products at unbeatable prices. Be sure to include these shops in your itinerary during your visit to Abu Dhabi Airport for an unforgettable shopping experience in the heart of the United Arab Emirates.
Često postavljana pitanja o Abu Dhabi Zračna luka
Potrebno je otprilike 26 mins voziti 20.0 mi (32.2 kilometara) između središta Abu Dhabi i Abu Dhabi Zračna luka, čineći ga dovoljno pristupačnim da olakša i prilagodi sve planove putovanja. Pobrinite se da stignete na vrijeme kako biste iskoristili priliku da istražite mogućnosti duty-free kupovine koje se nalaze unutar AUH zračna luka, gdje možete kupiti ekskluzivne parfeme i kolonjske vode, cigarete, alkohol, prehrambene artikle, slastice i suvenire od United Arab Emirates.
Dostupne su opcije vanjskog parkiranja. Ne zaboravite da također možete odlučiti ostaviti svoj automobil kod kuće, zahvaljujući mnogim alternativama javnog prijevoza koji vas mogu odvesti do i od Abu Dhabi Zračna luka.
Kada stignete u zračnu luku, imate mogućnost napuniti se gorivom za svoje putovanje koje slijedi tako što ćete nešto pojesti u bilo kojem od 7 dostupni restorani i kafići, ili zašto ne biste krenuli ravno prema mogućnostima bescarinske kupovine na the 101 različite trgovine oko Abu Dhabi Zračna luka? Nabavite poklon u posljednji trenutak za voljenu osobu ili se razmazite zasluženim suvenirom s putovanja.
- Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority
- Al Dar Lounge
- Al Dhabi Lounge
- Al Falah Exchange Company
- Al Razi Pharmacy
- Al Reem Lounge
- Big Ticket
- Bin Sina Pharmacy
- Boots Pharmacy
- Budget
- Burberry
- Bvlgari
- Coach
- Cosmetics
- Du
- Emirates NBD
- Emirates Palace
- Emirates Post
- Emporio Armani
- Etihad Premium Lounge
- Fashion Watches
- Fendi
- Ferragamo
- Fine Watches
- Food & Candy
- Fragrance
- Givenchy
- Golden Class
- Guess
- Hermes
- Hugo Boss
- Jashanmal
- Jumeirah Hotel
- Liquor & Tobacco
- Mont Blanc
- National Bank of Abu Dhabi
- Pandora
- Polo Ralph Lauren
- Promotion Area
- Pure Gold
- Raffle Counter
- Relay
- Rolex
- Salvatore Ferragamo
- Sharaf DG
- Souvenirs
- Starter Supermarket
- Sunglasses
- Swarovski
- The Souk
- Toys
- Travelex
- Watches
- WH Smith
- WH Smith Books
- World Of Cigars
- Bricco Cafe
- Brioche Doree
- Cinnamon City Cafe & Restaurant
- Culto Cafe
- Illy Espressamente
- McDonald's
- Sky Bar
- To Go Cart
- The Burgundy Lounge
Abu Dhabi Zračna luka (AUH/OMAA) trgovine, restorani i objekti
Trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji u Abu Dhabi Zračna luka:
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 505 2763 +971 2 5758324
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 505 2847
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759808
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5998915
- Terminal 3 Skypark Plaza
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 505 2745
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Arrival Hall
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5757316
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759814
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Floor 2
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Skypark Plaza
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- Posjetite web stranicu
- +971 2 5759554
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Posjetite web stranicu
- +971 2 5759553
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052627
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 2 Ground Floor
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759767
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052185
- Terminal 1 Ground Floor
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759788
- Terminal 3 1st Floor
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5757960
- Terminal 1 Arrival Hall
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Upper Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759682
- Terminal 3 Skypark Plaza
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Skypark Plaza
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5755535 /+971 50 8188924
- Terminal 1 Arrivals Hall
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5755492
- Terminal 3 Skypark Plaza
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759506
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759506
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052713
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759757
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759507
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 5759513
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052627
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5055665
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759754
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052185
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759526
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5758362
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052659 /+971 2 5052624
- Terminal 1 Departure
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5998292 /+971 25998293
- Terminal 3 Ground Floor
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759556
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759765
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Arrival Hall
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5053871
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5755132 /+971 50 6593874
- Terminal 1 Arrival Hall
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759757
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Posjetite web stranicu
- +971 2 5759756
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759756
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5075400
- Terminal 1 Main Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5075417
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5075402
- Terminal 3 Skypark Plaza
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759763
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5758293
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759505
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5757952
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5758362
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5053871
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- Before Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759797
- Terminal 3
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Main Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5758779
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759810
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759786
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Posjetite web stranicu
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5758362
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759516
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5757748
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052627
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- 056 682 8524
- Terminal 3 Skypark Plaza
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759758
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052627
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Ground Floor
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5052627
- Terminal 1 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5758362
- Terminal 2 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5757601
- Terminal 1 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5758116
- Terminal 1 Main Level
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759660
- Terminal 3 Floor 1
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5757966
- Terminal 1 Floor 1
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5758116
- Terminal 1 Floor 1
- Before Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759363
- Terminal 3 Upper Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5759660
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 1 Departure
- After Sigurnost
- Terminal 3 Main Level
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5054055
- Terminal 1 Arrival Hall
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5757985
- Terminal 3 Baggage Reclaim Hall
- After Sigurnost
- +971 2 5757985
- Terminal 1 Lower Level
- After Sigurnost
Abu Dhabi Zračna luka Recenzije
Karta od Abu Dhabi Zračna luka
Kliknite za pregled karteNajnoviji članci o Abu Dhabi Zračna luka
Etihad Airways expects to welcome over 1.5 million passengers over the winter break
As visitors begin flying for the winter break and the many spectacular events taking place in Abu Dhabi, Etihad Airways looks forward to welcoming over 1.5 million travellers at Abu Dhabi International Airport. […]
Etihad Airways boosts flights to New York-JFK this winter
Etihad Airways will be making travel to the United States more convenient this winter by increasing flights to New York. From 15 November, Etihad will add four weekly flights on the Abu Dhabi – New York route, providing a total of 11 weekly nonstop services to John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). The new flights […]
Etihad Airways soars to record-breaking first half profit as transformation pays off
Etihad Airways has announced its financial and operating results for the first half of 2022, posting a record-breaking core operating profit of US$ 296 million (H1 2021: US$ 392 million loss). This result was achieved despite fuel costs increasing by almost 60% in comparison to the same period last year. Etihad carried 4.02 million passengers […]
Etihad airways extends Zanzibar flights to January 2023
Etihad Airways has announced the extension of its flights between Abu Dhabi and Zanzibar to 14 January 2023. The service will continue to be operated at the current schedule of three times weekly until 26 November, when a fourth weekly flight will be introduced for the end of year holidays. The flights will be operated […]
Wizz Air Abu Dhabi to begin flights to Kuwait and Maldives
Wizz Air Abu Dhabi, the ultra-low-fare national airline of the UAE, has announced it will launch two new routes from Abu Dhabi to the idyllic island paradise of the Maldives, and the airline’s fifth key destination in the Gulf, Kuwait. The new routes will offer travellers the opportunity to explore marvellous destinations in line with […]
Middle Eastern destinations still on the way to recovery
Data shows that the Middle East is still on the way to recovering pre-pandemic values but also shows significant changes in terms of origin markets capacity and hotel prices. Mabrian Technologies, a leading tourism intelligence company, has analyzed data for the main destinations in the Middle East in view of its participation at ATM in […]