Copenhagen Airport adds 24 retail and food & beverage units in new Terminal 2 airside area

DENMARK. Copenhagen Airport is to open a new airside area in Terminal 2 this summer featuring 24 retail and food & beverage units.

Highlights include the first Massimo Dutti in Denmark, the first Arket store in an airport, and local Copenhagen brands such as fashion company Wood Wood and Mikkeller beer.

The new area adds 4,000sq m of space and is part of an expansion programme that will see the airport increase capacity to 40 million passengers per year.


Copenhagen Airport said it wanted to offer a mix of different Danish and international names in order to accommodate the needs of the many nationalities and age groups passing through the international terminal. It said the local brands would particularly appeal to younger travellers.

Openings will commence from June. Here is the full list of retail and food & beverage units:



  • Wolford
  • Pilgrim
  • Arket
  • Wood Wood
  • Lacoste
  • Julie Sandlau
  • Lakrids by Johan Bülow
  • Massimo Dutti (operated by Inditex)
  • Hugo
  • Oh! by Kopenhagen Fur
  • Sand
  • Tiger of Sweden
  • Mulberry (operated by Group 88)
  • C. Perchs Thehandel

Food & beverage

  • LêLê (operated by Areas)
  • Mikkeller
  • The Bird CPH Airport
  • Cock’s and Cows
  • Tapa del Toro (operated by HMSHost)
  • Retreat (operated by Areas)
  • Gorm’s
  • Espresso House
  • Pret A Manger

Wood Wood Creative Director Karl-Oskar Olsen said the opening was a “dream come true” for the local brand. “For many years we have talked about the opportunity to open a shop in Copenhagen Airport,” he stated. “The Wood Wood shop will be sort of a satellite store, customised to the airport and the mechanisms that form the basis for the shopping area. This way, we will create a store that is very different in terms of decors and assortment.”

Sense of Place was a key consideration in determining many of the food & beverage outlets, the airport said. “To strengthen the feeling of being in Copenhagen, several popular restaurant and bar concepts from the Danish capital will move into the airport,” it said.


“Together they will offer passengers from Denmark and abroad a wide selection of food & beverage options. The list counts among others local heroes from downtown Copenhagen, such as Tapa del Toro, Gorm’s pizza, the Vietnamese kitchen LêLê along with the popular burger joint Cock’s & Cows.”

Copenhagen Airport Director Airport Sales Lise Ryevad commented: “We want to ensure that we have a strong selection of healthy and quick meals on the go, as well as offering a range of fashion brands known from downtown Copenhagen and the international fashion scene.

“We are particularly proud that we can give our passengers the opportunity to visit what will be the first of both Mikkeller and Arket in an airport, as well as the first Massimo Dutti in Denmark. With the opening of Massimo Dutti we are also happy to welcome Inditex to the airport for the first time.”

In terms of design, the new area features light, open spaces and more seats and power outlets, the airport said. A joint eating area will ensure that passengers can sit together even if they order from different units.

All openings will have taken place by the end of 2018, the airport said.

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